Neck Contouring in Birmingham

Aging or weight gain can cause excess tissue to collect around the neck and alter the youthful angles of the lower face. Neck contouring procedure involves removing excess skin and tightening the muscles located in the neck area which helps create a youthful facial appearance by creating a defined jaw line, reducing the appearance of neck bands as well as sagging and wrinkled neck skin.

Enhancing your appearance with Neck Contouring

The results of a neck lift are often a firmer, younger, and tighter appearance with a more defined facial contour. To achieve these goals, Dr. Petro may choose several techniques in facial cosmetic surgery. She may opt for a technique similar to a face lift and choose to combine it with a procedure called platysmaplasty, in which part of the sagging platysma muscle is removed or tightened. For many patients, liposuction of the neck and chin will also be necessary.

Neck Contouring recovery

Recovery time will vary depending on the procedure. A special elastic chin strap may be provided, which helps to promote skin contraction during recovery. Cosmetic surgeon Dr. Melanie Petro will send you home with special post-operative instructions that you should follow closely. Some bruising, swelling and discomfort should be expected. The doctor will prescribe a medication to help you manage pain during the recovery period. It may be helpful to wear high-necked clothing as you heal.

How Long Does The Results From Neck Contouring?

Neck Contouring results usually last longer than the normal 8 to 10 years obtained from having a facelift.

For more information, please call our office at (205) 420-8043.